K. Travis Holman
Mailing Address:
K. Travis Holman
Department of Chemistry
240 Reiss Science Building
Georgetown University
37th and "O" St. NW
Washington, DC
[email protected]
Campus Address:
Office: 111 Basic Science
Lab: 141 Basic Science
Find a map of the Georgetown University campus here.
1998 Ph.D. in Chemistry
8/94-12/98, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, USA.
Mentor: Professor Jerry L. Atwood (Curator's Professor & Chair of Chemistry)
Dissertation Title: “Host-Guest Chemistry of New Members in the Cyclotriveratrylene Family of Cavitands”
1994 B.S. (Honors) in Chemistry & Mathematics/Computing Science
9/90-5/94, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada.
Mentor: Professor Michael J. Zaworotko (currently the Bernal Chair of Crystal Engineering, University of Limerick)
Thesis Title: “Crystal Engineering of Diamondoid Networks Based Upon the O-H···pi Hydrogen Bond”
Professional Positions
Professor of Chemistry
8/18-present, Department of Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
7/08-present, Department of Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
Honorary Visitor, 07/25/17-08/07/17, Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, UK. Host: Prof. Andrew Cooper
Visiting Professor (informal), 02/23/09-05/10/09, Department of Chemistry, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Host: Prof. Leonard Barbour
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
7/02-7/08, Department of Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Visiting Assistant Professor and Manager, X-ray Scattering Facility
7/01-06/02, Department of Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
NSERC of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow
1/99-7/01, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Mentor: Professor Michael D. Ward (currently Director, Molecular Design Institute & NYU Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, New York University)
· synthetic chemistry and characterization: organometallic, solid-state, organic
· molecular materials: organic molecular materials; inclusion compounds, solvates; pharmaceutical solids; polymorphism and crystal forms; thermal analysis (TGA, DSC, kinetics); microporous materials; gas storage, separation, sorption
· metal-organic materials: coordination polymers, metal-organic frameworks, microporous materials
· supramolecular and molecular recognition chemistry, self-assembly, dynamic covalent chemistry
· experienced crystallographer: small molecule single crystal, powder X-ray diffraction, experience with synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering
Chem 570 “Supramolecular, Host-Guest, and Molecular Recognition Chemistry,” lecture (graduate course)
Chem 517 “X-ray Crystallography and Molecular Structure,” lecture (graduate course)
Chem 228 “Synthetic Methods,” lecture and laboratory
Chem 120 “Organic Chemistry II, for majors” lecture and recitation
Chem 119 “Organic Chemistry I, for majors” lecture and recitation
Chem 118 “Organic Chemistry Laboratory II,” recitation and laboratory
Chem 117 “Organic Chemistry laboratory I,” recitation and laboratory
Chem 116 “Organic Chemistry II,” lecture and recitation
Chem 115 “Organic Chemistry I,” lecture and recitation
Chem 064 “Introduction to Research Experience,” lecture and laboratory
Chem 053 “Advanced General Chemistry” lecture, recitation, and laboratory
Awards and Distinctions
Independent Career
· Invited U.S. representative: US-China Workshop for Early Career Chemical Scientists—Supramolecular Chemistry, Beijing, China (2009)
· NSF CAREER award (2004)
· NSERC of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship (1/99-1/01).
Student-level Awards
· Best Poster: Advanced Study Institute on Crystal Engineering: From Molecules and Crystals to Materials, Erice, Italy (5/99).
· Conference fellowship: NATO-ASI school on Crystal Engineering: From Molecules and Crystals to Materials, Erice, Italy (5/99).
· 1st place: oral presentation at the 15th Annual Research and Creative Activities Forum, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO (3/98).
· Graduate Student Awardee of the American Institute of Chemists (1997).
· Superior Graduate Student Achievement Award, University of Missouri-Columbia (1996).
· Conference fellowship: NATO-ASI School on Crystal Engineering, Digby, N.S., Canada (9/96).
· 1st place: oral presentation at the 19th Annual Canadian Institute for Chemistry Atlantic Student Conference, Mount Saint Vincent University, N.S., Canada (6/94).
Invited Lectures
80. “Shape Persistent Macrocycles as Templates for Polymorphic Metal-Organic Frameworks,” Symposium of Opportunity, McGill University, Montreal, Qc, Canada. (02/24/20)
79. “Shape Persistent Macrocycles as “0D” Porous Molecular Solids,” Bruker/MIT Symposium 2020 (Porous Materials), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. (02/22/20)
78. “Properties and Potential Applications of 0D Porous Molecular Solids…," Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. (11/04/19)
77. “Crystals with Holes: Chair Overview,” 24th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS XXIV), New York University, New York, New York, USA. (6/19)
76. “Xenon (and other gas) Complexation: From Cages for Biosensing Applications to Porous Molecular Solids,” Department of Chemistry, University of Cape Town, South Africa. (12/10/18)
75. “"0D Porous Molecular Solids…," Department of Chemistry, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH. (11/09/18)
74. “0D Porous Molecular Solids…” Department of Chemistry, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. (9/21/18)
73. ”Engineering 0D Porous Molecular Solids for Selective Gas Sorption and/or Storage,” 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Crystal Engineering, Newry, ME, USA. (6/28/18)
72. “Closed to Open Pore Behaviour in 0D Porous Molecular Solids,” 2nd International Meeting on Porous Molecular Solids (2nd PoMoS) (organizer: Prof. Consiglia Tedesco), Vietri sul Mare, Italy. (6/7/18)
71. (Contributed Lecture) “Xenon (and other gas) Complexation: From Cages with Chemical Shift Modifiers to Porous Molecular Solids,” XeMAT 2018 (organizer: Prof. Ivan Dmochowski), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. (5/8/18)
70. “0D Porous Molecular Solids and the Complexation of Gases,” University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA. Host: Prof. Pingyun Feng (11/17/17)
69. Cancelled-Department of Chemistry, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. Hosts: Prof. Scott Dalgarno, Prof. Gareth Lloyd (8/18/17)
68. “A Plethora of 0D Porous Molecular Solids,” Department of Chemistry, Durham University, Durham, UK. Host: Prof. Jonathan Steed (8/14/17)
67. “A Plethora of 0D Porous Molecular Solids,” Department of Chemistry, Durham University, Durham, UK. Host: Prof. Jonathan Steed (8/14/17)
66. “Metal-Organometallic Frameworks,” Department of Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. Host: Prof. Michaele Hardie (8/2/17)
65. “0D Porous Molecular Solids,” Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. Host: Prof. Aurora Cruz-Cabeza (7/31/17)
64. “0D Porous Molecular Solids,” Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK. Host: Prof. Andrew Cooper (7/24/17)
63. “A Plethora of 0D Porous Molecular Solids,” 23rd International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS XXII),
Stellenbosch, South Africa. (4/17)
62. “Encapsulation of Xenon in the Context of Materials and 129Xe NMR-Based Sensors,” 47th Central Regional Meeting (CERMS) of the American Chemical Society, Covington, KY. (5/18/16) Symposium on Nanoscience & Biotechnology.
61. “Container molecules for xenon (and other gas) complexation,” PacifiChem, Honolulu, HI. (12/15) Symposium on Molecular Containers.
60. “Molecular Materials Exhibiting Zero-Dimensional Pores,” PacifiChem, Honolulu, HI. (12/15) Symposium on Organic Solid-State Chemistry: Structure, Property & Reactivity.
59. “Slow-to-fast gas exchange in discrete molecule zero-dimensional pore materials,” 15th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds (ISIC-15), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. (8/15)
58. CrystEngComm invited lecture. 2nd Crystal Engineering and Emerging Materials Workshop of Ontario and Quebec (CEMWOQ–2), University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada (06/15).
57. “Xenon (and other gas) complexation in solution and in the solid state: From sensors to separations,” ACS Midwest Regional Meeting (MWRM 2014), University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. (11/14) Session on Supramolecular Chemistry, organized by Jerry L. Atwood (U.Missouri).
56. “Molecular materials with zero-dimensional pores,” Plenary lecture: 29th Midwest Organic Solid-State Chemistry Symposium (MOSSCS), University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA (6/14).
55. “A few memories, a little science, and a lot of ‘Thank You’,” 50th Anniversary of the Department of Chemistry, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada (2/15/14)
54. The College of New Jersey, Department of Chemistry, Ewing, NJ (10/15/2013)
53. 14th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds (ISIC-14), Edinburgh, Scotland. (8/13)
52. Saint Louis University, Department of Chemistry, St. Louis, MO. (3/1/2013)
51. 244th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA. (8/12) Symposium on Metal-organic Frameworks for Energy and Fuels, Division of Fuel Chemistry, organized by Shengqian Ma (USF), Praveen Thallapally (PNNL), and Omar Farha (Northwestern).
50. 243rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA. (3/12) Symposium on CO2 Capture, Sequestration, Conversion and Utilization, Division of Fuel Chemistry, organized by Praveen Thallapally (PNNL).
49. Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) Program invited speaker, University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, Department of Chemistry, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico. (2/12)
48. Opening Scientific Doors, meeting exploring potential collaborations in chemistry and physics, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India. (1/12)
47. 13th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds (ISIC-13), Gierłoż, Poland. (9/11)
46. ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM 2011), College Park, MD. (5/11) Session on Supramolecular Chemistry, organized by Jeffery Davis (UMD).
46. George Washington University, Department of Chemistry, Washington, DC. (3/11)
45. University of North Dakota, Department of Chemistry, Grand Forks, ND. (2/11)
44. Lehigh University, Department of Chemistry, Bethlehem, PA. (4/10)
43. 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Fransisco, CA. (3/10) Symposium on Self-Assembled Container Molecules, organized by Radu Custelcean, Ben Hay, and Kristin Bowman-James.
42. US-China Workshop for Early Career Chemical Scientists—Supramolecular Chemistry, sponsored by NSF-U.S.A. and NSF-China, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. (10/09)
41. 19th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS XIX), Sestri Levante, Italy. (6/09)
40. École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Laboratory of Chemistry, Lyon, France. (6/09)
39. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Chemistry, South Africa. (4/09)
38. University of Capetown, Department of Chemistry, South Africa. (4/09)
37. Third joint International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC III), Las Vegas, NV. (7/08)
36. 234th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA. (4/08)
35. Allegheny College, Department of Chemistry, Meadville, PA. (4/08)
34. 2007 Northeast Corridor Zeolite Association (NECZA) Meeting, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. (12/07)
33. Kansas State University, Department of Chemistry, Manhattan, KS. (10/07)
32. University of Missouri-Columbia, Department of Chemistry, Columbia, MO. (9/07)
31. 20th Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Denver, CO. (9/07)
30. Calix 2007, the 9th International Conference on Calixarene Chemistry, College Park, MD. (8/07)
29. XIth International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds (ISIC–11), Kyiv, Ukraine. (6/07)
28. University of Iowa, Department of Chemistry, Iowa City, IA. (5/07)
27. Instituto de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City, México. (4/07)
26. Colgate University, Department of Chemistry, Colgate, NY. (2/07)
25. New York University, Department of Chemistry, New York, NY. (2/07)
24. Brown University, Department of Chemistry, Providence, RI. (11/06)
23. Brandeis University, Department of Chemistry, Boston, MA. (10/06)
22. 34th Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Binghampton, NY. (10/06)
21. University of Maryland at College Park, Department of Chemistry, College Park, MD. (9/06)
20. 232nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Fransisco, CA. (9/06)
19. Keynote Speaker – 37th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa. (8/06)
18. 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, Honolulu, HI. (7/06)
17. XL Congreso Mexicano de Química, Simposio Química de Receptores Macromoleculares, Morelia, Mexico. (9/05)
16. 17th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. (7/05)
15. 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, Orlando, FL. (5/05)
14. Rutgers–The State University of New Jersey, Department of Chemistry, Piscataway, NJ. (3/05)
13. George Washington University, Department of Chemistry, Washington, DC. (2/05)
12. Saint Joseph’s University, Department of Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA. (2/05)
11. George Mason University, Department of Chemistry, Washington, DC. (10/04)
10. University of New Orleans, Department of Chemistry, New Orleans, LA. (10/04)
9. 60th Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas-Fort Worth. (9/04)
8. Lebanon Valley College, Department of Chemistry, Annville, PA. (03/04)
7. Muhlenburg College, Department of Chemistry, Allentown, PA. (02/04)
6. International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore. (12/03)
5. Drexel University, Department of Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA. (04/03)
4. Howard University, Department of Chemistry, Washington, DC. (04/03)
3. University of South Florida, Department of Chemistry, Tampa, FL. (09/02)
2. Penn State University, Department of Chemistry, State College, PA. (11/01)
1. Worchester Polytechnic Institute, Department of Chemistry, Worchester, MA. (11/01)
Conferences and Symposia Organized
K. Travis Holman
Department of Chemistry
240 Reiss Science Building
Georgetown University
37th and "O" St. NW
Washington, DC
[email protected]
Campus Address:
Office: 111 Basic Science
Lab: 141 Basic Science
Find a map of the Georgetown University campus here.
1998 Ph.D. in Chemistry
8/94-12/98, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, USA.
Mentor: Professor Jerry L. Atwood (Curator's Professor & Chair of Chemistry)
Dissertation Title: “Host-Guest Chemistry of New Members in the Cyclotriveratrylene Family of Cavitands”
1994 B.S. (Honors) in Chemistry & Mathematics/Computing Science
9/90-5/94, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada.
Mentor: Professor Michael J. Zaworotko (currently the Bernal Chair of Crystal Engineering, University of Limerick)
Thesis Title: “Crystal Engineering of Diamondoid Networks Based Upon the O-H···pi Hydrogen Bond”
Professional Positions
Professor of Chemistry
8/18-present, Department of Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
7/08-present, Department of Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
Honorary Visitor, 07/25/17-08/07/17, Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, UK. Host: Prof. Andrew Cooper
Visiting Professor (informal), 02/23/09-05/10/09, Department of Chemistry, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Host: Prof. Leonard Barbour
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
7/02-7/08, Department of Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Visiting Assistant Professor and Manager, X-ray Scattering Facility
7/01-06/02, Department of Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
NSERC of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow
1/99-7/01, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Mentor: Professor Michael D. Ward (currently Director, Molecular Design Institute & NYU Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, New York University)
· synthetic chemistry and characterization: organometallic, solid-state, organic
· molecular materials: organic molecular materials; inclusion compounds, solvates; pharmaceutical solids; polymorphism and crystal forms; thermal analysis (TGA, DSC, kinetics); microporous materials; gas storage, separation, sorption
· metal-organic materials: coordination polymers, metal-organic frameworks, microporous materials
· supramolecular and molecular recognition chemistry, self-assembly, dynamic covalent chemistry
· experienced crystallographer: small molecule single crystal, powder X-ray diffraction, experience with synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering
Chem 570 “Supramolecular, Host-Guest, and Molecular Recognition Chemistry,” lecture (graduate course)
Chem 517 “X-ray Crystallography and Molecular Structure,” lecture (graduate course)
Chem 228 “Synthetic Methods,” lecture and laboratory
Chem 120 “Organic Chemistry II, for majors” lecture and recitation
Chem 119 “Organic Chemistry I, for majors” lecture and recitation
Chem 118 “Organic Chemistry Laboratory II,” recitation and laboratory
Chem 117 “Organic Chemistry laboratory I,” recitation and laboratory
Chem 116 “Organic Chemistry II,” lecture and recitation
Chem 115 “Organic Chemistry I,” lecture and recitation
Chem 064 “Introduction to Research Experience,” lecture and laboratory
Chem 053 “Advanced General Chemistry” lecture, recitation, and laboratory
Awards and Distinctions
Independent Career
· Invited U.S. representative: US-China Workshop for Early Career Chemical Scientists—Supramolecular Chemistry, Beijing, China (2009)
· NSF CAREER award (2004)
· NSERC of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship (1/99-1/01).
Student-level Awards
· Best Poster: Advanced Study Institute on Crystal Engineering: From Molecules and Crystals to Materials, Erice, Italy (5/99).
· Conference fellowship: NATO-ASI school on Crystal Engineering: From Molecules and Crystals to Materials, Erice, Italy (5/99).
· 1st place: oral presentation at the 15th Annual Research and Creative Activities Forum, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO (3/98).
· Graduate Student Awardee of the American Institute of Chemists (1997).
· Superior Graduate Student Achievement Award, University of Missouri-Columbia (1996).
· Conference fellowship: NATO-ASI School on Crystal Engineering, Digby, N.S., Canada (9/96).
· 1st place: oral presentation at the 19th Annual Canadian Institute for Chemistry Atlantic Student Conference, Mount Saint Vincent University, N.S., Canada (6/94).
Invited Lectures
80. “Shape Persistent Macrocycles as Templates for Polymorphic Metal-Organic Frameworks,” Symposium of Opportunity, McGill University, Montreal, Qc, Canada. (02/24/20)
79. “Shape Persistent Macrocycles as “0D” Porous Molecular Solids,” Bruker/MIT Symposium 2020 (Porous Materials), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. (02/22/20)
78. “Properties and Potential Applications of 0D Porous Molecular Solids…," Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. (11/04/19)
77. “Crystals with Holes: Chair Overview,” 24th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS XXIV), New York University, New York, New York, USA. (6/19)
76. “Xenon (and other gas) Complexation: From Cages for Biosensing Applications to Porous Molecular Solids,” Department of Chemistry, University of Cape Town, South Africa. (12/10/18)
75. “"0D Porous Molecular Solids…," Department of Chemistry, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH. (11/09/18)
74. “0D Porous Molecular Solids…” Department of Chemistry, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. (9/21/18)
73. ”Engineering 0D Porous Molecular Solids for Selective Gas Sorption and/or Storage,” 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Crystal Engineering, Newry, ME, USA. (6/28/18)
72. “Closed to Open Pore Behaviour in 0D Porous Molecular Solids,” 2nd International Meeting on Porous Molecular Solids (2nd PoMoS) (organizer: Prof. Consiglia Tedesco), Vietri sul Mare, Italy. (6/7/18)
71. (Contributed Lecture) “Xenon (and other gas) Complexation: From Cages with Chemical Shift Modifiers to Porous Molecular Solids,” XeMAT 2018 (organizer: Prof. Ivan Dmochowski), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. (5/8/18)
70. “0D Porous Molecular Solids and the Complexation of Gases,” University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA. Host: Prof. Pingyun Feng (11/17/17)
69. Cancelled-Department of Chemistry, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. Hosts: Prof. Scott Dalgarno, Prof. Gareth Lloyd (8/18/17)
68. “A Plethora of 0D Porous Molecular Solids,” Department of Chemistry, Durham University, Durham, UK. Host: Prof. Jonathan Steed (8/14/17)
67. “A Plethora of 0D Porous Molecular Solids,” Department of Chemistry, Durham University, Durham, UK. Host: Prof. Jonathan Steed (8/14/17)
66. “Metal-Organometallic Frameworks,” Department of Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. Host: Prof. Michaele Hardie (8/2/17)
65. “0D Porous Molecular Solids,” Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. Host: Prof. Aurora Cruz-Cabeza (7/31/17)
64. “0D Porous Molecular Solids,” Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK. Host: Prof. Andrew Cooper (7/24/17)
63. “A Plethora of 0D Porous Molecular Solids,” 23rd International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS XXII),
Stellenbosch, South Africa. (4/17)
62. “Encapsulation of Xenon in the Context of Materials and 129Xe NMR-Based Sensors,” 47th Central Regional Meeting (CERMS) of the American Chemical Society, Covington, KY. (5/18/16) Symposium on Nanoscience & Biotechnology.
61. “Container molecules for xenon (and other gas) complexation,” PacifiChem, Honolulu, HI. (12/15) Symposium on Molecular Containers.
60. “Molecular Materials Exhibiting Zero-Dimensional Pores,” PacifiChem, Honolulu, HI. (12/15) Symposium on Organic Solid-State Chemistry: Structure, Property & Reactivity.
59. “Slow-to-fast gas exchange in discrete molecule zero-dimensional pore materials,” 15th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds (ISIC-15), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. (8/15)
58. CrystEngComm invited lecture. 2nd Crystal Engineering and Emerging Materials Workshop of Ontario and Quebec (CEMWOQ–2), University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada (06/15).
57. “Xenon (and other gas) complexation in solution and in the solid state: From sensors to separations,” ACS Midwest Regional Meeting (MWRM 2014), University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. (11/14) Session on Supramolecular Chemistry, organized by Jerry L. Atwood (U.Missouri).
56. “Molecular materials with zero-dimensional pores,” Plenary lecture: 29th Midwest Organic Solid-State Chemistry Symposium (MOSSCS), University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA (6/14).
55. “A few memories, a little science, and a lot of ‘Thank You’,” 50th Anniversary of the Department of Chemistry, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada (2/15/14)
54. The College of New Jersey, Department of Chemistry, Ewing, NJ (10/15/2013)
53. 14th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds (ISIC-14), Edinburgh, Scotland. (8/13)
52. Saint Louis University, Department of Chemistry, St. Louis, MO. (3/1/2013)
51. 244th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA. (8/12) Symposium on Metal-organic Frameworks for Energy and Fuels, Division of Fuel Chemistry, organized by Shengqian Ma (USF), Praveen Thallapally (PNNL), and Omar Farha (Northwestern).
50. 243rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA. (3/12) Symposium on CO2 Capture, Sequestration, Conversion and Utilization, Division of Fuel Chemistry, organized by Praveen Thallapally (PNNL).
49. Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) Program invited speaker, University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, Department of Chemistry, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico. (2/12)
48. Opening Scientific Doors, meeting exploring potential collaborations in chemistry and physics, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India. (1/12)
47. 13th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds (ISIC-13), Gierłoż, Poland. (9/11)
46. ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM 2011), College Park, MD. (5/11) Session on Supramolecular Chemistry, organized by Jeffery Davis (UMD).
46. George Washington University, Department of Chemistry, Washington, DC. (3/11)
45. University of North Dakota, Department of Chemistry, Grand Forks, ND. (2/11)
44. Lehigh University, Department of Chemistry, Bethlehem, PA. (4/10)
43. 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Fransisco, CA. (3/10) Symposium on Self-Assembled Container Molecules, organized by Radu Custelcean, Ben Hay, and Kristin Bowman-James.
42. US-China Workshop for Early Career Chemical Scientists—Supramolecular Chemistry, sponsored by NSF-U.S.A. and NSF-China, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. (10/09)
41. 19th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS XIX), Sestri Levante, Italy. (6/09)
40. École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Laboratory of Chemistry, Lyon, France. (6/09)
39. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Chemistry, South Africa. (4/09)
38. University of Capetown, Department of Chemistry, South Africa. (4/09)
37. Third joint International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC III), Las Vegas, NV. (7/08)
36. 234th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA. (4/08)
35. Allegheny College, Department of Chemistry, Meadville, PA. (4/08)
34. 2007 Northeast Corridor Zeolite Association (NECZA) Meeting, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. (12/07)
33. Kansas State University, Department of Chemistry, Manhattan, KS. (10/07)
32. University of Missouri-Columbia, Department of Chemistry, Columbia, MO. (9/07)
31. 20th Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Denver, CO. (9/07)
30. Calix 2007, the 9th International Conference on Calixarene Chemistry, College Park, MD. (8/07)
29. XIth International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds (ISIC–11), Kyiv, Ukraine. (6/07)
28. University of Iowa, Department of Chemistry, Iowa City, IA. (5/07)
27. Instituto de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City, México. (4/07)
26. Colgate University, Department of Chemistry, Colgate, NY. (2/07)
25. New York University, Department of Chemistry, New York, NY. (2/07)
24. Brown University, Department of Chemistry, Providence, RI. (11/06)
23. Brandeis University, Department of Chemistry, Boston, MA. (10/06)
22. 34th Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Binghampton, NY. (10/06)
21. University of Maryland at College Park, Department of Chemistry, College Park, MD. (9/06)
20. 232nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Fransisco, CA. (9/06)
19. Keynote Speaker – 37th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa. (8/06)
18. 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, Honolulu, HI. (7/06)
17. XL Congreso Mexicano de Química, Simposio Química de Receptores Macromoleculares, Morelia, Mexico. (9/05)
16. 17th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. (7/05)
15. 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, Orlando, FL. (5/05)
14. Rutgers–The State University of New Jersey, Department of Chemistry, Piscataway, NJ. (3/05)
13. George Washington University, Department of Chemistry, Washington, DC. (2/05)
12. Saint Joseph’s University, Department of Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA. (2/05)
11. George Mason University, Department of Chemistry, Washington, DC. (10/04)
10. University of New Orleans, Department of Chemistry, New Orleans, LA. (10/04)
9. 60th Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas-Fort Worth. (9/04)
8. Lebanon Valley College, Department of Chemistry, Annville, PA. (03/04)
7. Muhlenburg College, Department of Chemistry, Allentown, PA. (02/04)
6. International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore. (12/03)
5. Drexel University, Department of Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA. (04/03)
4. Howard University, Department of Chemistry, Washington, DC. (04/03)
3. University of South Florida, Department of Chemistry, Tampa, FL. (09/02)
2. Penn State University, Department of Chemistry, State College, PA. (11/01)
1. Worchester Polytechnic Institute, Department of Chemistry, Worchester, MA. (11/01)
Conferences and Symposia Organized
- Designer, Molecule-Derived Materials, 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, 6/7/2016-6/8/2016, 1.5 day symposium, Halifax, NS, Canada; co-organized with Prof. Leonard R. MacGillivray (University of Iowa)
- Contemporary Crystal Engineering, 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, 7/22/2013-7/21/2013, full-day symposium, 15 talks, Honolulu, HI; co-organized with Prof. Tomislav Friščić (McGill University)
- ISMSC-8, 8th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, 7/7/13-7/13/13, Crystal City, MD; member of the local organizing committee, guest editor of special issue of Supramolecular Chemistry dedicated to the meeting; meeting co-Chairs: Lyle Isaacs, Jeffery Davis (University of Maryland), and Amar Flood (Indiana University)
- Modern Aspects of Crystal Engineering, 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, 6/1/2011, full-day symposium, 8 invited and 7 contributed talks, New Orleans, LA; co-organized with Prof. Leonard R. MacGillivray (University of Iowa)
- NECZA (Northeast Corridor Zeolite Association) 2009, 12/16/09, one day symposium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
- ISIC-12: 12th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds, 4/4/09-4/9/09, a five day meeting with 35 oral presentations and 68 participants, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa; member of the local organizing committee, co-organized with Profs. Len Barbour (Chair, University of Stellenbosch (UoS)), Susan Bourne (University of Cape Town (UCT)), Mino Caira (UCT), Tanya le Roex (UoS), Marlene Milani (UoS), Luigi Nassimbeni (UCT), Clive Oliver (UCT), Leslie Petrik (University of the Western Cape), Gaelle Ramon (Cape Peninsula University of Technology).
- NECZA (Northeast Corridor Zeolite Association) 2008, 12/12/08, one day symposium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; co-organized with Dr. Haiming Liu (Arkema)
- Calix 2007: 9th International Conference on Calixarene Chemistry, 8/6/07-8/9-07, a four day meeting with 35 oral presentations and 152 participants, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; co-organized conference with Profs. Jeffery Davis (conference Chair, University of Maryland-College Park), Lyle Isaacs (University of Maryland-College Park), Vladimir Sidorov (Virginia Commonwealth University), Galina Talanova (Howard University).
- Metal-Organic Hybrids, 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, 7/27/06, half-day symposium with 7 invited talks, Honolulu, HI; co-organized with Prof. Christopher Cahill (George Washington University)
- Crystal Engineering, 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, 5/30/05, full-day symposium, 16 invited and two submitted talks, Orlando, FL; co-organized with Prof. Leonard R. MacGillivray (University of Iowa)