Welcome to the Holman Research Group home page.

Research in the Holman lab lies at the intersection of organic, organometallic, and solid-state/materials chemistry. Broadly speaking, our research is focused in two areas: i) molecular recognition, self-assembly, and/or supramolecular chemistry―that is, the designed organization of molecules via non-covalent (i.e. reversible, individually weak) bonds; and ii) crystal engineering―the design and study of molecule-derived crystalline materials via supramolecular principles. Specific avenues of research can be found on the Research page, but it is true to say that projects in the Holman Group are highly multidisciplinary, allowing students (PhD, undergraduate, and even high school) and post-doctoral researchers to develop expertise in synthetic organic and/or organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, solid-state chemistry, crystallography and X-ray diffraction, various spectroscopic techniques (e.g. NMR, Raman, and, ocassionaly, more exotic techniques such as neutron scattering), thermal analysis (e.g. tandem TGA-mass spectrometry, DSC), gas sorption, etc. Consult the Research page for more information on specific projects and the availability of research positions.
We are located in the Department of Chemistry at Georgetown University.
We are located in the Department of Chemistry at Georgetown University.
Group News:
January, 2022. Congratulations to Andrew Kelly on his recent sole-co-author Angew. Chem. paper concerning ON/OFF switching of halogen bond donor functionality by eta6-arene ring metation/demetalation of aryl iodides! See: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202115556
April, 2021. Congratulations to Prashant Pandey, on his successful application for a GU Dissertation Research Travel Grant, funding a forthcoming trip.
May 2020. Check out Ivana Brekalo's three (!) first-author 2020 papers (Angew. Chem., Chem. Sci., and Molecules) on the publications page.
April, 2021. Congratulations to Prashant Pandey, on his successful application for a GU Dissertation Research Travel Grant, funding a forthcoming trip.
May 2020. Check out Ivana Brekalo's three (!) first-author 2020 papers (Angew. Chem., Chem. Sci., and Molecules) on the publications page.